West Knollendam & Alkmaar
We left Haarlem and left for West Knollendam. It has been quite and adventure so far. We have dealt with water in different places of the boat, smoke billowing from the heater, trying to speak Dutch to each Harbor Master, navigating through the rough waters and more. It is always an amazing adventure. Today was an easy ride to West Knollendam. The weather was cold but sunny. On days like this I am really fashionably challenged. I have some good gear, but I hate being cold. This was today's best look:

I think Little Edie (from Grey Gardens) would have loved it. I have yet to try a sweater as a skirt and a cape, but that is coming soon!
The rest of the day was filled with windmills and a few industrial sites.

We go into a lock with some huge barges! I can't even imagine driving a boat that big!

We arrived in the gorgeous town of Alkmaar and set out to explore, buy a heater and find some oysters!

Alkmaar is yet another lovely town filled with cafe's and lots of shopping.

There is also the largest cheese market in the Netherlands that happens on Friday mornings. Friday was also holiday, so the square was packed to see the weighing and tasting and selling of the cheese. Dressed in the traditional outfits and wooden shoes, women were selling a little cooler that contained a cutting board, a knife and three cheeses! Perfect for a little picnic! After I watched the cheese selling, I went and found the baker and then the wine shop and did a little window shopping!
Yesterday we took our foldable bikes and rode 15 miles to Bergen aan Zee which is a fun little beach town on the North Sea. What an absolutely beautiful ride! It is filled with fields, cows, flowers and then you come to the town and you find yourself in a tree canopy with multimillion dollar homes and then a long downhill path to the beachside town, filled with little restaurants selling fried fish and cocktails and more. I had never seen the North Sea before! This town is definitely one to come back to. Even with the football match that they had, and all of the fireworks and football energy that comes when the home team loses to West Ham U.K, it is one I would love to revisit and spend a bit more time at the beach!
