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The Enchanted Forrest

Today we walked though an enchanted forrest. I know that sounds a bit weird to some, but you can feel something is different the minute you walk through them. We also went over the bridge that after you cross over it and walk around the bottom you will be rabies free!!! (thought that was something you don’t see every day.) The rest of the day was a lovely walk to and through Pamplona. We decided to go on to Cizur Menor to get a jump on the next day. At the Albuergue there was a huge dog tied up on a chain- as are so many dogs in the areas that we have been to. It is so digusting and so sad, it breaks your heart. Adam tried to feed it as he had no water and no food and Adam was bitten twice on the hand and the foot. Bless him. He is ok, thank goodness. I want to rant and rave on every person that has a dog chained up, as most are starving…. Enough of that. 🙂

The next day was extremely tough and very special. We walked through some beautiful land and saw medivial churches on our way to El Perdon, the mountain of forgiveness. As we climbed from 400 meters to 800 meters I thought about what real forgiveness is. Today I prayed for all the people in my life will forgive me for all of my wrong doings, as well as the ones that I needed to forgive. I realized that in most cases in my life, the person I need to really forgive is me. I think we are the hardest on ourselves, as least I know I am.

Once we reached the top of the mountain we saw so many windmills!! They were huge and so fantastic!!!!!! We also so a scuplture dedicated to the pilgrims who have made their way to Santiago by following the Milky Way. There is so much history on this walk, it is mind blowing.

Xxxx Leigh and Adam

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