Barcelona to Figures to Perpignan
Figueres is the Home of the Dali Museum and the toy Museum, and they both are incredible Dali’s work is beyond words. It is inspiring as it is creative, and of course, EXTREMELY unique!!! To have this kind of talent…..I can’t even imagine!

An instillation on the outside of the Museum
A small sculpture I loved!
The heart of the museum is the building that housed the town’s theater when Dalí was a child, where one of the first public exhibitions of young Dalí’s art was shown. The old theater was burned during the Spanish Civil War and remained in a state of ruin for decades. In 1960, Dalí and the mayor of Figueres decided to rebuild it as a museum dedicated to the town’s most famous son.

I just love these! “Lady Oscar Performing” is what I would call it!

I love this bed!

Who do you see???
I think I’m going to do the entrance to my house like this!
And my sitting area like this!! I love the lips sofa and I always liked
Dali also created some amazing jewelry that is on display!
The Corset Ring

I adore this! Just love those pearly white teeth and those Ruby lips!!

The long legged elephant.
The Ruby Heart actually beats inside the gold heart!!!
At the Toy Museum we saw all kinds of old toys, and had fun playing with a few too!
Our friends picked us up from the train station in Perpigan and took us to have fabulous Champagne with some fabulous people, and then they took us to one of the most amazing meals I have ever had!!!
We went to an amazing restaurant with carrot fritters, foie gras, small scallops, cauliflower soup with medium poached egg and real truffles!!!! We also had a Catalan meatball dish, sardines, quinoa, a local cheese plate, and chocolate mousse with sea salt and olive oil. After this meal, I definitely will need to walk 300+ miles!